Hindi /English /Marathi
महाश्वेता देवी (14 जनवरी 1926 – 28 जुलाई 2016)[1][2] एक भारतीय सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और लेखिका थीं। उन्हें 1996 में ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया था।
प्रारंभिक जीवन एवं शिक्षा
उनका जन्म सोमवार १४ जनवरी १९२६ को अविभाजित भारत के ढाका में हुआ था। उनके पिता मनीष घटक एक कवि और एक उपन्यासकार थे और उनकी माता धारीत्री देवी भी एक लेखकिका और एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता थीं। उनकी स्कूली शिक्षा ढाका में हुई। भारत विभाजन के समय किशोरवस्था में ही उनका परिवार पश्चिम बंगाल में आकर बस गया। बाद में उन्होने विश्वभारती विश्वविद्यालय, शांतिनिकेतन से स्नातक (प्रतिष्ठा) अंग्रेजी में किया और फिर कोलकाता विश्वविद्यालय में स्नातकोत्तरअंग्रेजी में किया। कोलकाता विश्वविद्यालय से अंग्रेजी साहित्य में मास्टर की डिग्री प्राप्त करने के बाद एक शिक्षक और पत्रकार के रूप में आपने अपना जीवन शुरू किया। तदुपरांत आपने कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालयमें अंग्रेजी व्याख्याता के रूप में नौकरी भी की। तदपश्चात 1984 में लेखन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए आपने सेवानिवृत्त ले ली।
साहित्यिक जीवन
महाश्वेता देवी का नाम ध्यान में आते ही उनकी कई-कई छवियां आंखों के सामने प्रकट हो जाती हैं। दरअसल उन्होंने मेहनत व ईमानदारी के बलबूते अपने व्यक्तित्व को निखारा। उन्होंने अपने को एक पत्रकार, लेखक, साहित्यकार और आंदोलनधर्मी के रूप में विकसित किया।
महाश्वेता जी ने कम उम्र में लेखन का शुरू किया और विभिन्न साहित्यिक पत्रिकाओं के लिए लघु कथाओं का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया। आपकी पहली उपन्यास, "नाती", 1957 में अपनी कृतियों में प्रकाशित किया गया था ‘झाँसी की रानी’ महाश्वेता देवी की प्रथम गद्य रचना है। जो 1956 में प्रकाशन में आया। स्वयं उन्हीं के शब्दों में, "इसको लिखने के बाद मैं समझ पाई कि मैं एक कथाकार बनूँगी।" इस पुस्तक को महाश्वेता जी ने कलकत्ता में बैठकर नहीं बल्कि सागर, जबलपुर, पुणे, इंदौर, ललितपुर के जंगलों, झाँसी ग्वालियर, कालपी में घटित तमाम घटनाओं यानी 1857-58 में इतिहास के मंच पर जो हुआ उस सबके साथ-साथ चलते हुए लिखा। अपनी नायिका के अलावा लेखिका ने क्रांति के तमाम अग्रदूतों और यहाँ तक कि अंग्रेज अफसर तक के साथ न्याय करने का प्रयास किया है। आप बताती हैं कि "पहले मेरी मूल विधा कविता थी, अब कहानी और उपन्यास है।" उनकी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण कृतियों में 'नटी', 'मातृछवि ', 'अग्निगर्भ' 'जंगल के दावेदार' और '1084 की मां', माहेश्वर, ग्राम बांग्ला हैं। पिछले चालीस वर्षों में,उनकी छोटी-छोटी कहानियों के बीस संग्रह प्रकाशित किये जा चुके हैं और सौ उपन्यासों के करीब (सभी बंगला भाषा में) प्रकाशित हो चुकी है।
ग्रन्थ तालिका
- अरण्येर अधिकार
- नैऋते मेघ
- अग्निगर्भ
- गणेश महिमा
- हाजार चुराशीर मा
- चोट्टि मुण्डा एबं तार तीर
- शालगिरार डाके
- नीलछबि (१९८६, अब, ढाका।)
- बन्दोबस्ती
- आइ.पि.सि ३७५
- साम्प्रतिक
- प्रति चुयान्न मिनिटे
- मुख
- कृष्णा द्बादशी
- ६इ डिसेम्बरेर पर
- बेने बौ
- मिलुर जन्य
- घोरानो सिँड़ि
- स्तनदायिनी
- लायली आशमानेर आयना
- आँधार मानिक
- याबज्जीबन
- शिकार पर्ब
- अग्निगर्भ
- ब्रेस्ट गिभार
- डास्ट अन द्य रोड
- आओयार नन-भेज काउ
- बासाइ टुडु
- तितु मीर
- रुदाली
- उनत्रिश नम्बर धारार आसामी
- प्रस्थानपर्ब
- ब्याधखन्ड
इनकी कई रचनाओं पर फ़िल्म भी बनाई गई। इनके उपन्यास 'रुदाली ' पर कल्पना लाज़मी ने 'रुदाली' तथा 'हजार चौरासी की माँ' पर इसी नाम से 1998 में फिल्मकार गोविन्द निहलानी ने फ़िल्म बनाई। इन्हें 1979 में साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार, 1986 में पद्मश्री,1997 में ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया। ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार इन्हें नेल्सन मंडेला के हाथों प्रदान किया गया था। इस पुरस्कार में मिले 5 लाख रुपये इन्होंने बंगाल के पुरुलिया आदिवासी समिति को दे दिया था। साहित्य अकादमी से पुरस्कृत इनके उपन्यास 'अरण्येर अधिकार' आदिवासी नेता बिरसा मुंडा की गाथा है। उपन्यास 'अग्निगर्भ' में नक्सलबाड़ी आदिवासी विद्रोह की पृष्ठभूमि में लिखी गई चार लंबी कहानिया है।
28 जुलाई 2016 को कोलकाता में उनका देहावसान हो गया।
हिन्दी में कुछ कृतियां
(सभी बंग्ला से हिन्दी में रुपांतरण) अक्लांत कौरव, अग्निगर्भ, अमृत संचय, आदिवासी कथा, ईंट के ऊपर ईंट, उन्तीसवीं धारा का आरोपी, उम्रकैद, कृष्ण द्वादशी, ग्राम बांग्ला, घहराती घटाएँ, चोट्टि मुंडा और उसका तीर, जंगल के दावेदार, जकड़न, जली थी अग्निशिखा, झाँसी की रानी, टेरोडैक्टिल, दौलति, नटी, बनिया बहू, मर्डरर की माँ, मातृछवि, मास्टर साब, मीलू के लिए, रिपोर्टर, रिपोर्टर, श्री श्री गणेश महिमा, स्त्री पर्व, स्वाहा और हीरो-एक ब्लू प्रिंट आदि
- English
Mahasweta Devi (14 January 1926 – 28 July 2016)[1][2] was an Indian Bengali fiction writer and social activist. Her notable literary works include Hajar Churashir Maa, Rudali, and Aranyer Adhikar.[3] She worked for the rights and empowerment of the tribal people (Lodhaand Shabar) of West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh states of India.[4]She was honoured with various literary awards such as the Sahitya Akademi Award(in Bengali), Jnanpith Award and Ramon Magsaysay Award along with India's civilian awards Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan.[5]
Early life
Mahasweta Devi was born in 1926 in Decca, British India (now Dhaka, Bangladesh) to literary parents. Her father, Manish Ghatak, was a well-known poet and novelist of the Kallol movement, who used the pseudonym Jubanashwa (Bengali: যুবনাশ্ব).[6] Ghatak's brother was noted filmmaker Ritwik Ghatak.[7]Devi's mother, Dharitri Devi, was also a writer and a social worker whose brothers were very distinguished in various fields, such as the noted sculptor Sankha Chaudhury and the founder-editor of Economic and Political Weekly of India, Sachin Chaudhury. Mahasweta Devi's first schooling was in Dhaka, Eden Montessori school (1930) but after the partition of India she moved to West Bengal in India. Then she studied in Midnapur Mission School Girls High School(1935). After that she was admitted to Santiniketan (1936 to 1938.) After that, she studied at Beltala Girls' School (1939-1941) where she got her matric. Then in 1944 she got I.A. from Asutosh College. Then she joined the Rabindranath Tagore-founded Visva-Bharati University and completed a B.A. (Hons) in English, and then finished an M.A. in English at Calcutta University.[8][9]
Literary works
Devi wrote over 100 novels and over 20 collections of short stories primarily written in Bengali but often translated to other languages.[10] Her first novel, titled Jhansir Rani, based on a biography of the Rani of Jhansi was published in 1956. She had toured the Jhansi region to record information and folk songs from the local people for the novel.[3]
In 1964, she began teaching at Jadavpur, Kolkata-32 (an affiliated college of the University of Calcutta system). In those days Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College was an institution for working-class women students. During that period she also worked -- as a journalist and as a creative writer. She studied the Lodhas and Shabars, the tribal communities of West Bengal, women and dalits. In her elaborate Bengali fiction, she often depicted the brutal oppression of tribal peoples and untouchables by the powerful authoritarian upper-caste landlords, money-lenders, and venal government officials.[8] She wrote of the source of her inspiration:
Postcolonial scholar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has translated Devi's short stories into English and published three books Imaginary Maps (1995, Routledge), Old Woman (1997, Seagull), The Breast Stories (1997, Seagull).[12]
Social activity
Mahasweta Devi raised her voice several times against the discrimination suffered by tribal people in India.[3] Devi's 1977 novel Aranyer Adhikar (Right to the Forest) was about the life of Birsa Munda.[3] And in June 2016, consequent to Devi's activism, the Jharkhand State Government finally saw to the removal of shackles from the figure of Munda, which had been part of the commemorative sculpture of the notable young tribal leader due to its having been based on a photograph dating from British rule.
Devi spearheaded the movement against the industrial policy of the earlier Communist Party of India (Marxist) government of West Bengal. Specifically, she stridently criticized confiscation from farmers of large tracts of fertile agricultural land by the government which then ceded it to industrial houses at throwaway prices. She supported the candidature of Mamata Banarjee in the 2011 West Bengal Legislative Assembly electionwhich resulted in the end of the 34-year long rule of CPI(M).[13] She had connected the policy to the commercialization of Santiniketan of Rabindranath Tagore, where she spent her formative years. Her lead in the Nandigram agitation resulted in a number of intellectuals, artists, writers and theatre workers joining together in protest of the controversial policy and particularly its implementation in Singur and Nandigram.[3]
She is known to have helped the noted writer Manoranjan Bypari to come into prominence as his initial writings were published in her journal and as prompted by her.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2006, when India was the first country to be the Fair's second time guest nation, she made an impassioned inaugural speech wherein she moved the audience to tears with her lines taken from the famous film song "Mera Joota Hai Japani" by Raj Kapoor.[14]
Personal life
On 27 February in 1947, she married renowned playwright Bijon Bhattacharya, who was one of the founding fathers of the Indian People's Theatre Association movement.[7] In 1948, she gave birth to Nabarun Bhattacharya, who became a novelist and political critic.[15]She worked in a post office but was fired from there for her communist leaning.[9] She went on to do various jobs, such as selling soaps and writing letters in English for illiterate people. In 1962, she married author Asit Gupta after divorcing Bhattacharya.[9] In 1976, the relationship with Gupta ended.
On 23 July 2016, Devi suffered a major heart attack and was admitted to Belle Vue Clinic in Kolkata. Devi died of multiple organ failure on 28 July 2016, aged 90.[16] She had suffered from diabetes, septicemia and urinary infection.[7]
On her death, Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal tweeted "India has lost a great writer. Bengal has lost a glorious mother. I have lost a personal guide. Mahasweta Di rest in peace."[7] Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted "Mahashweta Devi wonderfully illustrated the might of the pen. A voice of compassion, equality & justice, she leaves us deeply saddened. RIP."[7]
Awards & Recognition
- 1979: Sahitya Akademi Award (Bengali): – Aranyer Adhikar (novel)[17]
- 1986: Padma Shri for Social Work[18]
- 1996: Jnanpith Award – the highest literary award from the Bharatiya Jnanpith[17]
- 1997: Ramon Magsaysay Award – Journalism, Literature, and the Creative Communication Arts for "compassionate crusade through art and activism to claim for tribal peoples a just and honorable place in India’s national life."[2][19][20]
- 2003: Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres[21]
- 2006: Padma Vibhushan – the second highest civilian award from the Government of India[17]
- 2007: SAARC Literary Award[22]
- 2009: Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize[23]
- 2010: Yashwantrao Chavan National Award[24]
- 2011: Banga Bibhushan – the highest civilian award from the Government of West Bengal[25]
Major works
Devi's major works are as listed below:[27]
- Jhansir Rani (1956, biography)
- The Queen of Jhansi, by Mahasweta Devi (translated by Sagaree and Mandira Sengupta). This book is a reconstruction of the life of Rani Lakshmi Bai from extensive research of both historical documents (collected mostly by G. C. Tambe, grandson of the Queen) and folk tales, poetry and oral tradition; the original in Bengali was published in 1956; the English translation by Seagull Books, Calcutta, 2000, ISBN 8170461758
- Hajar Churashir Maa (1974, novel)
- Aranyer Adhikar (1979, novel)
- Agnigarbha (1978, short stories collection)
- Murti (1979, short stories collection)
- Neerete Megh (1979, short stories collection)
- Stanyadayani (1980, short stories collection)
- Chotti Munda Evam Tar Tir (1980, short stories collection)
Film adaptations
- Sunghursh (1968), Hindi film based on short story Layli Asmaner Ayna[28]
- Rudaali (1993)[29]
- Bayen (HindI) (1993)a film based on Short story Directed by Gul Bahar singh
- Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa (1998)[29]
- Maati Maay (2006), Marathi film based on short story Daayen[29][30]
- Gangor (2010), Italian film based on short story Choli Ke Peeche[29]
- Ullas (Bengali film based on three short stories—Daur, Mahadu Ekti Rupkatha and Anna Aranya Anna Aranya)), produced by Sankar Sarkar, directed by Ishwar Chakraborty, released in 2012.
महाश्वेता देवी (बंगालीমহাশ্বেতা দেবী)(१४ जानेवारी, १९२६, ढाका - २८ जुलै, इ.स. २०१६:कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत) या बंगाली लेखिका व सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या होत्या.
इ.स. २००२ मध्ये साहित्यातील योगदानाबद्दल यांना ऑफिसर ऑफ आर्टस अँड लिटरेचर हा फ्रान्सचादुसऱ्या क्रमांकाचा सर्वोच्च नागरी किताब जाहीर केला गेला. याशिवाय भारतातही त्यांना साहित्य अकादमी ने सन्मानित केले आहे. त्यांना इ.स. १९९६सालचा ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार मिळाला
बंगाली लेखिका महाश्वेतादेवी यांचा जन्म ढाका येथे १४ जानेवारी, इ.स. १९२६ यादिवशी झाला. त्यांचे वडील मनीष घटक हे बंगाली लेखक, तर भाऊ ऋत्विक घटक हा चित्रपट दिग्दर्शक होता. महाश्वेतादेवींनी इ.स. १९४६मध्ये शांतिनिकेतनमधून इंग्रजी विषयातील पदवी घेतली. त्यानंतर त्यांनी एम.ए. केले. पुढे इंग्रजीच्या प्राध्यापिका म्हणून बिजायग्रह जोतिराय काॅलेजमध्ये त्यांनी नोकरी केली. नोकरी करत असतानाच त्यांनी समाजसेवा आणि आदिवासींच्या कल्याणकारी कार्यक्रमांचे आयोजन केले. पुढे त्यांनी पत्रकारिता केली. युगांतर आणि वर्तिका ह्या मासिकातून स्तंभलेखन केले.
बिजोन भट्टाचार्य या बंगालमधील नाट्य अभिनेत्याशी त्यांनी विवाह केला.
इ.स. १९५०-६०च्या दशकात महाश्वेतादेवींनी साहित्य लेखनाला सुरुवात केली.
- पद्मविभूषण (भारत सरकारचा द्बितीय़ सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार २००६)
- रमन मॅगसेसे पुरस्कार (१९९७)
- ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार पुरस्कार (साहित्य अकादमीचा सर्वोच्च साहित्य सम्मान)
- सार्क साहित्य पुरस्कार (२००७)
- संगरूश १९६८
- रुदाली १९९३ हा हा त्यांच्या कथेवरचा गाजलेला चित्रपट आहे.
- हजार चौरासी की मां १९९८
- माती माय २००८
Mahasweta Devi (14 January 1926 – 28 July 2016)[1][2] was an Indian Bengali fiction writer and social activist. Her notable literary works include Hajar Churashir Maa, Rudali, and Aranyer Adhikar.[3] She worked for the rights and empowerment of the tribal people (Lodhaand Shabar) of West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh states of India.[4]She was honoured with various literary awards such as the Sahitya Akademi Award(in Bengali), Jnanpith Award and Ramon Magsaysay Award along with India's civilian awards Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan.[5]
Early life
Mahasweta Devi was born in 1926 in Decca, British India (now Dhaka, Bangladesh) to literary parents. Her father, Manish Ghatak, was a well-known poet and novelist of the Kallol movement, who used the pseudonym Jubanashwa (Bengali: যুবনাশ্ব).[6] Ghatak's brother was noted filmmaker Ritwik Ghatak.[7]Devi's mother, Dharitri Devi, was also a writer and a social worker whose brothers were very distinguished in various fields, such as the noted sculptor Sankha Chaudhury and the founder-editor of Economic and Political Weekly of India, Sachin Chaudhury. Mahasweta Devi's first schooling was in Dhaka, Eden Montessori school (1930) but after the partition of India she moved to West Bengal in India. Then she studied in Midnapur Mission School Girls High School(1935). After that she was admitted to Santiniketan (1936 to 1938.) After that, she studied at Beltala Girls' School (1939-1941) where she got her matric. Then in 1944 she got I.A. from Asutosh College. Then she joined the Rabindranath Tagore-founded Visva-Bharati University and completed a B.A. (Hons) in English, and then finished an M.A. in English at Calcutta University.[8][9]
Literary works
Devi wrote over 100 novels and over 20 collections of short stories primarily written in Bengali but often translated to other languages.[10] Her first novel, titled Jhansir Rani, based on a biography of the Rani of Jhansi was published in 1956. She had toured the Jhansi region to record information and folk songs from the local people for the novel.[3]
In 1964, she began teaching at Jadavpur, Kolkata-32 (an affiliated college of the University of Calcutta system). In those days Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College was an institution for working-class women students. During that period she also worked -- as a journalist and as a creative writer. She studied the Lodhas and Shabars, the tribal communities of West Bengal, women and dalits. In her elaborate Bengali fiction, she often depicted the brutal oppression of tribal peoples and untouchables by the powerful authoritarian upper-caste landlords, money-lenders, and venal government officials.[8] She wrote of the source of her inspiration:
Postcolonial scholar Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has translated Devi's short stories into English and published three books Imaginary Maps (1995, Routledge), Old Woman (1997, Seagull), The Breast Stories (1997, Seagull).[12]
Social activity
Mahasweta Devi raised her voice several times against the discrimination suffered by tribal people in India.[3] Devi's 1977 novel Aranyer Adhikar (Right to the Forest) was about the life of Birsa Munda.[3] And in June 2016, consequent to Devi's activism, the Jharkhand State Government finally saw to the removal of shackles from the figure of Munda, which had been part of the commemorative sculpture of the notable young tribal leader due to its having been based on a photograph dating from British rule.
Devi spearheaded the movement against the industrial policy of the earlier Communist Party of India (Marxist) government of West Bengal. Specifically, she stridently criticized confiscation from farmers of large tracts of fertile agricultural land by the government which then ceded it to industrial houses at throwaway prices. She supported the candidature of Mamata Banarjee in the 2011 West Bengal Legislative Assembly electionwhich resulted in the end of the 34-year long rule of CPI(M).[13] She had connected the policy to the commercialization of Santiniketan of Rabindranath Tagore, where she spent her formative years. Her lead in the Nandigram agitation resulted in a number of intellectuals, artists, writers and theatre workers joining together in protest of the controversial policy and particularly its implementation in Singur and Nandigram.[3]
She is known to have helped the noted writer Manoranjan Bypari to come into prominence as his initial writings were published in her journal and as prompted by her.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2006, when India was the first country to be the Fair's second time guest nation, she made an impassioned inaugural speech wherein she moved the audience to tears with her lines taken from the famous film song "Mera Joota Hai Japani" by Raj Kapoor.[14]
Personal life
On 27 February in 1947, she married renowned playwright Bijon Bhattacharya, who was one of the founding fathers of the Indian People's Theatre Association movement.[7] In 1948, she gave birth to Nabarun Bhattacharya, who became a novelist and political critic.[15]She worked in a post office but was fired from there for her communist leaning.[9] She went on to do various jobs, such as selling soaps and writing letters in English for illiterate people. In 1962, she married author Asit Gupta after divorcing Bhattacharya.[9] In 1976, the relationship with Gupta ended.
On 23 July 2016, Devi suffered a major heart attack and was admitted to Belle Vue Clinic in Kolkata. Devi died of multiple organ failure on 28 July 2016, aged 90.[16] She had suffered from diabetes, septicemia and urinary infection.[7]
On her death, Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal tweeted "India has lost a great writer. Bengal has lost a glorious mother. I have lost a personal guide. Mahasweta Di rest in peace."[7] Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted "Mahashweta Devi wonderfully illustrated the might of the pen. A voice of compassion, equality & justice, she leaves us deeply saddened. RIP."[7]
Awards & Recognition
- 1979: Sahitya Akademi Award (Bengali): – Aranyer Adhikar (novel)[17]
- 1986: Padma Shri for Social Work[18]
- 1996: Jnanpith Award – the highest literary award from the Bharatiya Jnanpith[17]
- 1997: Ramon Magsaysay Award – Journalism, Literature, and the Creative Communication Arts for "compassionate crusade through art and activism to claim for tribal peoples a just and honorable place in India’s national life."[2][19][20]
- 2003: Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres[21]
- 2006: Padma Vibhushan – the second highest civilian award from the Government of India[17]
- 2007: SAARC Literary Award[22]
- 2009: Shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize[23]
- 2010: Yashwantrao Chavan National Award[24]
- 2011: Banga Bibhushan – the highest civilian award from the Government of West Bengal[25]
Major works
Devi's major works are as listed below:[27]
- Jhansir Rani (1956, biography)
- The Queen of Jhansi, by Mahasweta Devi (translated by Sagaree and Mandira Sengupta). This book is a reconstruction of the life of Rani Lakshmi Bai from extensive research of both historical documents (collected mostly by G. C. Tambe, grandson of the Queen) and folk tales, poetry and oral tradition; the original in Bengali was published in 1956; the English translation by Seagull Books, Calcutta, 2000, ISBN 8170461758
- Hajar Churashir Maa (1974, novel)
- Aranyer Adhikar (1979, novel)
- Agnigarbha (1978, short stories collection)
- Murti (1979, short stories collection)
- Neerete Megh (1979, short stories collection)
- Stanyadayani (1980, short stories collection)
- Chotti Munda Evam Tar Tir (1980, short stories collection)
Film adaptations
- Sunghursh (1968), Hindi film based on short story Layli Asmaner Ayna[28]
- Rudaali (1993)[29]
- Bayen (HindI) (1993)a film based on Short story Directed by Gul Bahar singh
- Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa (1998)[29]
- Maati Maay (2006), Marathi film based on short story Daayen[29][30]
- Gangor (2010), Italian film based on short story Choli Ke Peeche[29]
- Ullas (Bengali film based on three short stories—Daur, Mahadu Ekti Rupkatha and Anna Aranya Anna Aranya)), produced by Sankar Sarkar, directed by Ishwar Chakraborty, released in 2012.
महाश्वेता देवी (बंगालीমহাশ্বেতা দেবী)(१४ जानेवारी, १९२६, ढाका - २८ जुलै, इ.स. २०१६:कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत) या बंगाली लेखिका व सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या होत्या.
इ.स. २००२ मध्ये साहित्यातील योगदानाबद्दल यांना ऑफिसर ऑफ आर्टस अँड लिटरेचर हा फ्रान्सचादुसऱ्या क्रमांकाचा सर्वोच्च नागरी किताब जाहीर केला गेला. याशिवाय भारतातही त्यांना साहित्य अकादमी ने सन्मानित केले आहे. त्यांना इ.स. १९९६सालचा ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार मिळाला
बंगाली लेखिका महाश्वेतादेवी यांचा जन्म ढाका येथे १४ जानेवारी, इ.स. १९२६ यादिवशी झाला. त्यांचे वडील मनीष घटक हे बंगाली लेखक, तर भाऊ ऋत्विक घटक हा चित्रपट दिग्दर्शक होता. महाश्वेतादेवींनी इ.स. १९४६मध्ये शांतिनिकेतनमधून इंग्रजी विषयातील पदवी घेतली. त्यानंतर त्यांनी एम.ए. केले. पुढे इंग्रजीच्या प्राध्यापिका म्हणून बिजायग्रह जोतिराय काॅलेजमध्ये त्यांनी नोकरी केली. नोकरी करत असतानाच त्यांनी समाजसेवा आणि आदिवासींच्या कल्याणकारी कार्यक्रमांचे आयोजन केले. पुढे त्यांनी पत्रकारिता केली. युगांतर आणि वर्तिका ह्या मासिकातून स्तंभलेखन केले.
बिजोन भट्टाचार्य या बंगालमधील नाट्य अभिनेत्याशी त्यांनी विवाह केला.
इ.स. १९५०-६०च्या दशकात महाश्वेतादेवींनी साहित्य लेखनाला सुरुवात केली.
- पद्मविभूषण (भारत सरकारचा द्बितीय़ सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार २००६)
- रमन मॅगसेसे पुरस्कार (१९९७)
- ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार पुरस्कार (साहित्य अकादमीचा सर्वोच्च साहित्य सम्मान)
- सार्क साहित्य पुरस्कार (२००७)
- संगरूश १९६८
- रुदाली १९९३ हा हा त्यांच्या कथेवरचा गाजलेला चित्रपट आहे.
- हजार चौरासी की मां १९९८
- माती माय २००८
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